


Evelyne Bischof, Jantine A C Broek, Charles R Cantor, Ashley J Duits, Alfredo Ferro, Hillary W Gao, Zilong Li, Stella Luna de Maria, Naomi I Maria, Bud Mishra, Kimberly I Mishra, Lex van der Ploeg, Larry Rudolph, Tamar Schlick, RxCOVEA Framework

tamaso ma jyotirgamaya: Seeking the Self Amidst - Covids’ Cytokine Cyclones

R.x. Covea and B. (Bud) Mishra, Math & CS, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; CSE, Tandon School of Engineering; Cell Biology, NYU School of Medicine; QB, ColdSpring Harbor Lab; Oncology, New York Genome Center;Hum. Genetics, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine; Covid-19 Researcher, RxCovea, etc. New York, USA

Research Groups

HLA, KIR, TLR and Covid-19

Game theoretic models, testing and therapy dealing with heterogeneity in Covid-19.

YACHT Protocol

A privacy based game theoretic protocol that controls prevalence and keeps it under desired limits. It aims at simple and effective control of the disease using pool testing.


SciKi short for scientific wiki is a hypothesis testing system. This system aims to verify hypotheses by detecting contradictions, validating sources and filtering fake data.

Risk-Trust-Communication meet Game

Understanding behaviour, trust and response of the population to policies and strategies. Effectively creating a mechanism to understand and effectively communicate with agents.

Corollary Simulator

This group is focused on building a ‘Decision Support and Recommender system’ during the pandemic. The current pilots focus on schools and Colleges and their reopening strategies.

Efficacy of Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing shows different results in different countries based on different interaction, demographic, costs and interaction patterns. This group studies contact tracing with the aim of finding the optimal amount of contact tracing based on parameters and conditions of a region.

Spatial Model with Super Spreaders and ICU

Analysing the dynamics of Superspreaders in a spatial model.

Machine Learning

Analyse and classify factors regarding covid symptoms and severity. Thus predicting and warning the highly susceptible.

Paradoxes, Biases and Fallacies in context of Pandemics

We aim to understand counterintuitive phenomena that arise in pandemics, and to caution and provide solutions to medical researchers and policy makers.